Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Freeport Days 6 & 7

Sorry its taken so long for us to post this final vacation blog. You know how it is. You get back home and its back to reality. Our final days at Winslow Memorial Park in Freeport were wonderful. Thanks again to Tom G. for suggesting this great campground. It's located right on the Casco Bay and it is just beautiful. Again we had a site on the water and it was really nice.

There's not too much to report on activities for these last two days. We basically spent our time just relaxing, chillin, enjoying Mother Nature at her finest. Of course we did find time for some ladder golf, some sequence, some soduko and some reading. We did take a trek into Freeport but as neither Deb or I are real big shoppers we didn't spend much time there. Even LL Bean didn't really impress us! Its gotten just way too big!

It was great fun blogging! Thanks to everyone for sharing our vacation with us.
Deb & John

1 comment:

Rhoevin said...

Hi, Your Maine adventure looked wonderful, even though you had a few "bumps" along the way. Fortunately you didn't sustain any serious damage with your tire problem!

Could you please give me some information on the campground(s) you stayed at along the way?! The wife and I are planning a similar trip next summer and I'm starting to research the trip.

Thanks and Happy Camping!
Kevin, Redford, MI