Sunday, September 17, 2006

A bump in the road

June 20th, a day I think I'll remember for a long time. After working for my company for 25+ years they announced that the plant will be closing and no longer manufacturing, needless to say I have been on a emotional rollercoaster, sometimes up and sometimes down. While we have been on a few trips this summer no where's near as many as last year camping has lost some of it's zest, while camping I have spent more time thinking and worrying about what will happen and where we will be. That has taken a lot of the fun out of it, so we have spent more time around the house catching up on some of yard work and enjoying each other's company, I thank my wife Debbie for her upbeat attitude constantly telling me we will be alright, we have cried and we have laughed over the past 3 months, we have contemplated moving and staying, looking at pro's and con's of each.
My one goal is to seek employment and stay with my company here in Groton, next week is a big week for us, two interviews with our research division, Time will tell how this bump in the road affects our ride in life....... I thank God for the support of my wife and family.

So this blog was about camping and while I haven't posted much about that I do hope to update this as much as possible with what goes on in our life and if you like to read about wine please check out my son's blog good reading and he know's his stuff.

1 comment:

PatsFanDiane said...

Glad to see you back in action. I've missed reading your blogs.

I know this has been a trying time but I have faith that whatever path is meant for you, you will find it and follow it. Someone once sent me a card that simply stated "No Turning Back." For you, there is only forward and I am sure that this road you are on will finally run smoothly.